Friday, June 17, 2011

Walking for exercise and pleasure

 Well, what do you know!  Perhaps the doctors know what they are talking about with the ever popular statement of "get more exercise"!  Walking has been my more recent attempt at exercise...I have always found the E word boring and a lot of work and had the attitude of who needs it.  After being sedentary for the past 10 or 12 years, I have started walking.  This has been going on for the last 2.5 months so I think it is not just one of my OMGosh, I have got to lose weight moments.  My ankles were getting shaky, knees hurt all the time, balance was being compromised and I stepped off of curbs like an eighty year old.  Since getting off my butt and starting to move, it is easier to get up from a chair, step off curbs with confidence, lower back hurts a LOT less and feet feel better, not to mention I don't get out of breath just tying my shoes.  There is also the increase in energy ,lowered blood pressure, digestion is moving right along and I am sleeping much better.  Portland has a myriad of wetlands, parks and other  types of cool places to visit.  I have been walking with a variety of  people of whom each has their favorite places to visit.  The grandson is a great nature walk partner, his uncle gave him a digital camera and he loves to use it.  I hope he never gets the attitude that grandmas are people to be avoided.  Enough for the pics (my
On Lee's land
favorite part).
Creswell Oregon
Wetlands in Sherwood Oregon
Smith Bybee Lake
Smith Bybee Lake

Tillamook Forest Center

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